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Metal Cosmetic Packaging Tubes Enhances Protection with Latex Coating

  • Reading time:3 mins read

Metal cosmetic packaging tubes have long been a staple in the cosmetic packaging industry, particularly for hand cream and skincare ointments. Their popularity stems from the exceptional barrier properties they offer, ensuring product stability and longevity on store shelves. However, despite their inherent advantages, there’s always room for improvement. Among other things, latex coating represents a significant advancement in the realm of aluminum collapsible tube production.

But what exactly is latex coating, and why is it garnering attention in the packaging world?

Latex coating, also known as latex lining or spraying, involves the application of a sealing ring at the end of the aluminum packaging tube to bolster its sealing capabilities. This process is crucial for enhancing the tube’s leak resistance after crimping. Imagine a thin, impermeable layer forming a barrier between the product and the external environment, ensuring its integrity from production line to end-user.

So, how is latex coating applied to metal cosmetic packaging tubes?

The process typically occurs towards the final stages of tube production. Once the tubes are capped, they make their way to the latexing station. Here, a specialized latex sprayer, operating at high speed, intricately coats the inner wall of the tube’s end. This meticulous application results in the formation of a latex band, typically ranging from 5 mm to 8 mm in width. This band acts as a safeguard against leakage, offering peace of mind to both manufacturers and consumers alike.

While latex lining undoubtedly offers significant benefits, it’s important to note that not every tube necessitates this treatment. The decision to employ latex coating hinges on the nature of the product being packaged. Products with extremely small molecules or those susceptible to moisture or air are prime candidates for latex-lined aluminum tubes. These tubes provide an added layer of protection, safeguarding the product’s integrity and extending its shelf life.

In conclusion, the introduction of latex coating marks a significant advancement in the production of metal cosmetic packaging tubes. By investing in this solution, manufacturers can mitigate the risk of leakage and ensure that their products reach consumers in pristine condition. Consumers can rest assured knowing that the products they purchase are sealed securely, maintaining their quality and efficacy over time.

Guangzhou Xinyi Enterprise Ltd is an aluminum collapsible tube supplier. We offer latex-lined tubes that are commonly required for cosmetics, ointments, as well as some adhesives and sealants! Please contact us for inquires and free samples: